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【人類抗暖化防止毀滅的關鍵發明--紙張可以一直不斷重複使用的噴墨印表機、可消式墨水、紙張重製機】【The key invention of anti-earth warming--Printer with the paper can be recycled over and over again】 | 【人類抗暖化防止毀滅的關鍵發明--紙張可以一直不斷重複使用的噴墨印表機、可消式墨水、紙張重製機】【The key invention of anti-earth warming—The new invented jet printer, erasable ink and paper treatment machine can instantly erase the text on the printed paper to recycle the paper again and again】 使用特殊墨水的噴墨印表機,印有特殊墨水的紙張經過加熱一秒鐘後,特殊墨水立刻消失,所以紙張可以不斷重複使用。( s0 Q4 _8 n+ q/ Q* i8 q |
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