特聘 ITRI Fellow 劉漢誠博士,歡迎報名
E-MAIL報名請寄: nctucnc@gmail.com
課號 | RF4307 |
課名 | Key Enabling Technologies for 3D IC / Si Integrations |
授課教師 | 劉漢誠 John H. Lau ( ITRI Fellow of ITRI since 2010... ) 劉博士目前受聘於工業技術研究院,他已經在電子、光電和汽車產業,從事研發、製造的工作超過30年了,編寫或是合著的評論性技術文章超過250篇,撰寫的書籍超過100多個章節,同時舉行或受邀參加過230場專題研討會和演講,自1986年起,在IEEE、ASME、IPC、SMTA、ASM、NEPCON以及APEX教授電子、光電封裝等課程,深獲許多知名企業的工程師與經理人好評。 John Lau博士簡歷如下: ITRI Fellow of Industrial Technology Research Institute since January 2010. The visiting professor at Hong Kong University Science & Technology for one year. *The Director of Microsystems, Modules & Components(MMC) Laboratory with Institute of Microelectronics in Singapore for 2 years. *The senior Scientist/MTS at HP/Agilent in US for more than 25 years. *ASME Fellow. *IEEE Fellow since 1994. |
課程大綱 | The key enabling technologies for 3D IC integration are, e.g., electrical, thermal, and mechanical designs and tests, known good die (KGD), TSV (through silicon via) forming and filling, wafer thinning and handling, thin chip strength measurement and improving, lead-free microbump forming and assembly, low temperature C2W and W2W bonding, and thermal management. In this course, all these enabling technologies (except electrical) will be discussed. $ H7 E* w6 C5 U% T Moore's law has been the most powerful driver for the development of the microelectronic industry. This law emphasizes on lithography scaling and integration (in 2D) of all functions on a single chip, perhaps through system-on-chip (SoC). On the other hand, the integration of all these functions can be achieved through system-in-package (SiP) or, ultimately, 3D IC/Si integration, which is a very complicate subject. It involves component and system designs, FAB, packaging assembly and testing, material suppliers, and equipment suppliers. The key enabling technologies for 3D IC integration are, e.g., electrical, thermal, and mechanical designs and tests, known good die (KGD), TSV (through silicon via) forming and filling, wafer thinning and handling, thin chip strength measurement and improving, lead-free microbump forming and assembly, low temperature C2W and W2W bonding, and thermal management. In this course, all these enabling technologies (except electrical) will be discussed. Most of the materials are based on the technical papers published within the past 3 years by others and the instructor.% y( s4 g' e' g+ N0 V3 H4 L •Understand the state-of-the-art and trends of 3D packaging, 3D IC integration, and 3D Si integration |
建議背景 | If you (students, engineers, and managers) are involved with any aspect of the electronics industry, you should attend this course. It is equally suited for R&D personals and scientists. |
授課時間 | 9:00~13:00 14:00~19:00(附餐) |
授課地點 | 交大工程四館824教室 |
課程費用 | 優惠價4500元 |
報名截止日 | 2012-06-08 |
授課日期 | 6/9,6/16(Sat) |
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