活動時間:2023年4月19日(三) 14:00 準時開講
13:30~14:00 來賓報到
14:00~14:05 開場致詞
14:05~14:25 激發智能家居創新的平臺 | Laura Shang | China Regional Respresentative, CSA
14:25~14:45 Google Matter Ecosytem Introduction | Ryo Ga | APAC Director of Technical Services, Smart Home, Google
14:45~15:25 Market trends and future opportunities with Matter & Get your product ready for Matter with PSA Certified PUF-based Security Solutions | Allen Huang | Senior GTM Manager, IoT LoB, Arm & Rickie Chang | Deputy Project Director, Business Development Dept., PUF Security
15:25~ 15:45 Tea Break
15:45~16:05 Design consigerations of an AI enabled Matter WiFi Thread Gateway | MediaTek & Cashew Chen | VP of Marketing Rafael Micro
16:05~16:30 Matter Certification, Interoperability and Performance Solution Introduction | Thomas Chang | Director of Networking and Business Development, Allion Labs
16:30~17: 交流時間