標題: Help ! How to translate in English? [打印本頁] 作者: chip123 時間: 2006-12-2 10:33 AM 標題: Help ! How to translate in English? 看來多數會員英文能力並不像 RD,你英文有點破嗎? 所顯示的「破很多點」?
話題:Help ! How to translate? Would you mind to translate the following in English? Thanks in advanced !
1. 本電源採用脈衝寬度調節(PWM)開關技術設計,由專業積體電路組成,可靠性高.
1. The power adopt PWM switch technic design, it compose of professional IC, and high reliability.
2. 高效性能,使用壽命長,與普通變壓器相比,可以節約能源約40%左右.
2. High performace, long life-cycle and can be save approximately about 40% energy than nomal transformer.
3. 適用電壓範圍寬,電網電壓在110-260V(50╱60HZ)變化時,均能穩定的工作.
3. It is apply to voltage-range widely, the electrical network voltage can be work stable on the 110-220V(50/60MHz).
4. 輸出電壓穩定,LED燈發光效果好,壽命長.
4. Output voltage stability, GOOD LED light effective, Long life-cycle <-- 怪怪的吼??
5. 本開關電源有多種規格設計,適合各種LED燈的配套使用.
5. The switch power supply has many kinds of specification designs for each kind of LED light using.