一刀兩刃的 IoT、Fintech 等技術蓬勃發展,政府及業界審慎研擬攻防策略
台灣駭客年會(HITCON Pacific)今年以 The Fifth Domain:Cyber | Homeland Security 為主題,探討國家層次的全球最新資安策略、管理觀點匯集各國政府、業界頂間資安專家,分享國家安全、數位金融安全監控、APT、IR及漏洞研究等趨勢議題,透析國安在陸海空外之第五空間 Cyberspace 上的威脅與防禦
Cisco, Kaspersky Lab, Palo Alto, Symantec, Trend Micro & Verint等國際頂尖資安大廠解析最前端駭客攻擊手法
同時,HITCON Pacific 更將與國際 CTF 共同舉辦全球 10 強攻防總決戰,與世界級CTF選手共同點亮台灣資安軟硬實力!
【時間】2016年12月1日 (四) 9:00 am ~17:30 pm 2016年12月2日(五) 8:50 am ~ 17:50 pm 【地點】台北文創 6樓 (台北市信義區菸廠路 88 號6樓) 【議程】 12月1日(四) | | | | | | | | 嘉賓致詞 ─思科台灣、香港及澳門董事總經理 招卓敏 女士 | | A Bright New Dawn of Security: Comprehensive Threat Intelligence – Worldwide case study (資安新曙光:以整合威脅情資傲視安全防禦-全球案例分享) 講者:Earl Carter Head of Threat Research, Cisco | | Cyber Security Roles and Responsibilities at the Nation Level (國家的網路安全角色與責任) 講者:Doron Tamir | | | | Operation Sentry Stopper: A Long-Standing Cyber Espionage (哨兵終結者行動) 講者:Lenart Bermejo、Mingyen Hsieh、Razor Huang | | | | | | | Fire Walk With Me 講者:Vitaly Kamluk (僅限事先報名民眾入場) | CICS Breakdown: Hack your way to transaction city 講者:Ayoul3 | | Remote Attacks on Vehicles by Exploiting Vulnerable Telematics 講者:Dawei Lyu, Lei Xue | Would you Need Help to Create Privacy Policies for Apps? 講者:Le Yu, Xiapu Luo | | Why corrupted (?) samples in recent APT?-case of Japan and Taiwan 講者:Suguru Ishimaru | Exploiting PHP7 - teaching a new dog old tricks 講者:Yannay Livneh | | | | Target Identification Through Decoy File Analysis 講者:Ryan Olson | Winnti Polymorphism 講者:Takahiro Haruyama | | Blockchain Security: From Curves to Contracts 講者:陳君明 (Jiun-Ming Chen) , 劉世偉 (Alex Liu) | Fly me to the BLACKMOON 講者:Kyoung-Ju Kwak, MinChang Jang (aka osiris) (僅限事先報名民眾入場) |
12月2日(五) | | | | | | Katie Moussouris ,The Founder and CEO of Luta Security | | | PeiKan Tsung (台灣威瑞特系統科技研究長) | | | | | | | | | | 基於機器學習的惡意軟體分類實作:Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge 經驗談 講者:miaoski, ch0upi | Cybersecurity Strategy in Japan 講者:Mitsuaki ASHIDA | | | Why today's security researchers cannot just publish vulnerabilities 講者:Noam Rathaus | Evaluation of Static Features for Mach-O Sample in Classification Task 講者:Spencer Hsieh, Pin Wu, Haoping Liu | | | | | | | | | | Security x LINE Platform 講者:Nikolay Elenkov | Memory Wars: 對記憶體攻擊手法與防禦技術的探討 講者:Leo Liaw | | | | | | Cyber Incident Response Model in Korea 講者:Jin-Wan Park, Thomas (Jee-Ho) Kim | Automatic Binary Exploitation and Patching using Mechanical [Shell] Phish 講者:Antonio Bianchi | | | Lurk, Carbonak and Attacks on Banking Infrastructure 講者:Fyodor Yarochkin, Vladimir Kropotov | Fractured Backbones - Incidents Eetection and Forensics in Telco Networks 講者:Vladimir Kropotov, Dmitry Kurbatov, Sergey Puzankov | | | | | | | |
※ 議程內容如有更新請以現場公告為準 ※ 詳細議程內容請參考:http://hitcon.org/2016/pacific/agenda.htm