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[好康相報] 8/15、16「計算機網路-開放源碼導向」短期課程

發表於 2011-8-2 14:08:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
為何通訊協定是以這種特殊方式設計而成的背後原因比通訊協定如何運作來得更重要,本課程將解釋協定的行為,並同時傳達關鍵概念和基層原理。為了進一步彌補設計和實作之間長久以來的落差,以Linux系統為例,說明了在系統裡何處以及如何實作通訊協定的設計。透過一組全方面且實際運作中的56個開放源程式碼之實作,其範圍橫跨了硬體(8B/10B、OFDM、CRC32、CSMA/CD及crypto)、驅動程式(Ethernet和PPP)、系統核心(Longest Prefix Matching、Checksum和、NAT、TCP Congestion Control、socket、shaper、scheduler、firewall及VPN)以及Daemon(RIP/OSPF/BGP、DNS、FTP、SMTP/POP3/IMAP4、HTTP、SNMP、SIP、streaming、及P2P)。本課程將計算機網路原48小時課程濃縮於兩天12小時,特別適合網路產業之研發工程師或資訊電機相關科系有基礎網路概念的學生。
4 @3 b) q3 l/ V% M' D( s% e% t/ _3 Z6 {6 z8 H
師資:林盈達教授 /交通大學資訊工程系教授5 B& z& {$ {8 q0 X" H* V) I5 _' A! H
9 q0 d; g; O- d& C: c報名方式:# G) _( j; G% R- W' Z, J7 m  W
1.     線上註冊
) @8 ^: h6 \9 k: X% I2.     學費及繳費:2,600元(含補充講義200元;不含教科書費)
8 \" O; i1 u8 `8 J        ATM或匯款:戶名:財團法人私立淡江大學,帳號:第一銀行信義分行162-10-004528。4 `, K/ {& U+ O; q6 X$ R! B
3.     前述1、2項均完成方為報名完成。
! s+ Q; ~0 c3 ~' [( v* `% M2 s4 N/ _/ i* J0 w
招收名額:/ Y2 M) A& R8 _, s" Z" s7 T( ?- ?2 \5 q/ `
●實體班名額50名:傳統面授課程。1 c! ?) h/ \1 l2 h' R7 J7 G8 F
5 k/ J% t/ D, N" y; R% m●如無法配合上課時間請選:非同步網路班名額300名:100年8月18日至9月2日任何時間均可。
2 T! h+ g4 E+ u! S: j% T* d教科書:Computer Networks: An Open Source Approach. 開發圖書,訂價1,050元﹝團購九折﹞。自由購買。" y* U" @2 X" {/ _6 I  @& M) V
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-8-2 14:09:18 | 只看該作者
6 a. @, s: C% o1 i5 s6 P6 D
1 Fundamentals $ \: B/ C0 j8 |. }* L
1.1 Requirements of Networking   L% ~0 D3 T+ \$ o
1.2 Underlying Principles
& g- a5 A* {# {1 L' }1.3 The Internet Architecture   f# Z3 E+ S: }9 M5 }: U
1.4 Open Source Implementations
( @9 y4 M3 `' ]7 G1.5 Book Roadmap: A Packet’s Life 4 o' W9 I- P2 R5 Y9 n. N3 d% N) A6 b
Appendix B Linux Kernel Overview ) B* q5 _7 X: @+ B
B.1 Kernel Source Tree * A' t. j5 U0 V& c% y
B.2 Source Code of Networking : ~* w) x& {* k- l' N, O. K( f  T
B.3 Tools for Source Code Tracing
* l+ e; m& ]( r; X* F: U1 lAppendix C Development Tools ' N# y1 l) F6 U( m5 b$ V9 O) c
C.1 Programming * u( f  a: y& L% C+ J  [
C.2 Debugging , H8 ~6 a, D% Q5 ]7 G$ r* F
C.3 Maintaining
. O2 A5 `- v( T* F/ WC.4 Profiling
- _- g2 F3 |( S' f0 {" kC.5 Embedding
9 O  g' o7 F2 d# kAppendix D Network Utilities
0 D/ X: I5 V- L, v! N0 H. zD.1 Name-Addressing
: I' k* a9 I# bD.2 Perimeter-Probing
* t( D$ ]1 E: ~) i1 FD.3 Traffic-Monitoring
; p6 x7 _/ j1 m9 _D.4 Benchmarking - q" N  W5 w6 }& l) i4 ~
D.5 Simulation and Emulation ! P$ K( v0 G7 s; o$ u3 |
D.6 Hacking
! ], t) i+ `% j1 L2 Physical Layer
8 c/ I, ?( B* f2 W3 A5 BGeneral Issues 3 @* {6 S3 B% i/ ]& M/ `) F; v
Open Source Implementation 2.1: 8B/10B Encoder " V0 g. A( y0 }# n
Open Source Implementation 2.2: IEEE 802.11a Transmitter with OFDM
6 [/ c! i5 T/ a2 y; |9 n; a3 Link Layer $ `5 u. g9 o2 g
General Issues
$ p  ]4 x0 G9 n" l8 ZOpen Source Implementation 3.1: Checksum
4 A6 I9 F% d3 H2 i9 h) e2 YOpen Source Implementation 3.2: Hardware CRC32 8 m# P8 a2 L' ]) ^8 a% ^
Open Source Implementation 3.3: Link-Layer Packet Flows in Call Graphs
: }1 g; `- e' K1 ^! ^  G# _3 cOpen Source Implementation 3.4: PPP 1 l+ ^5 f+ n6 d& j
Open Source Implementation 3.5: CSMA/CD
. ^/ J* B( \! {% X( sOpen Source Implementation 3.6: IEEE 802.11 MAC Simulation with NS-2 * s- N) Z! l2 s
Open Source Implementation 3.7: Self-Learning Bridging ; u+ a% m/ D/ x& K1 L
Open Source Implementation 3.8: Spanning Tree
$ K; u, F2 H) z0 ~" ~' EOpen Source Implementation 3.9: Probing I/O ports, Interrupt Handling and DMA , D5 u" y9 e3 k/ a7 S6 N
Open Source Implementation 3.10: The Network Device Driver in Linux * p, K& W9 f' }
4 Internet Protocol Layer
. A5 e5 b2 a  N+ lGeneral Issues : h3 }$ [0 u: q" j
Open Source Implementation 4.1: IP-Layer Packet Flows in Call Graphs ) _3 O: ]' m' f3 H
Open Source Implementation 4.2: IPv4 Packet Forwarding : [' W+ u# k2 b: e6 ~/ u
Open Source Implementation 4.3: IPv4 Checksum in Assembly
0 \" X; }/ N7 z# lOpen Source Implementation 4.4: IPv4 Fragmentation : j: `4 d; |$ P( j0 Y8 @% `
Open Source Implementation 4.5: NAT * D* ~9 m; N& F, [8 ]& k# s5 R0 H
Open Source Implementation 4.6: ARP / A1 E# y3 c" K2 i0 y8 }
Open Source Implementation 4.7: DHCP $ i1 U  |% ^1 `5 n( {
Open Source Implementation 4.8: ICMP # E' H+ v- Y( W5 J  M
Open Source Implementation 4.9: RIP
" R% J+ k* ?( r# NOpen Source Implementation 4.10: OSPF
+ Z/ t+ Y, |6 k* Z' a; \" b$ dOpen Source Implementation 4.11: BGP 3 r/ C% B/ r7 k# Z- |
Open Source Implementation 4.12: Mrouted
. F9 g" {1 D" s. T( F5 Transport Layer 6 u3 G7 L- u5 |5 ]) @, f" [  H
General Issues
, S4 X; d" r8 \3 h/ ?Open Source Implementation 5.1: Transport-Layer Packet Flows in Call Graphs + \8 z" d& S8 ?, e" M
Open Source Implementation 5.2: UDP and TCP Checksum 3 f/ Z! `/ p8 l
Open Source Implementation 5.3: TCP Sliding Window Flow Control 1 ^5 c. C/ R+ S  V5 V6 z" i3 r8 {! y
Open Source Implementation 5.4: TCP Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance ' f! E4 N* i$ E7 S' [( b( ], d
Open Source Implementation 5.5: TCP Retransmit Timer
' ]! \. @4 ~: g" q9 I3 ]( s0 ]$ B1 |Open Source Implementation 5.6: TCP Persistence Timer and Keepalive Timer - S3 n0 i/ }$ r% H0 p5 h) e  E1 J
Open Source Implementation 5.7: Socket Read/Write Inside out ( F8 O4 Y+ f) k7 s
Open Source Implementation 5.8: Bypassing the Transport Layer $ T  _! L: ^2 ?+ ?, U4 `
Open Source Implementation 5.9: Making Myself Promiscuous
3 l' ~4 X, h* V; X" T2 b( p- ]Open Source Implementation 5.10: Linux Socket Filter ' j9 c' H* _9 P" S6 {, |0 p/ K% O
6 Application Layer : ^6 l" `* t/ E- W; r
General Issues " k, G: t' i" q+ {3 U
Open Source Implementation 6.1: BIND - o' N: V4 ]* W
Open Source Implementation 6.2: qmail
6 e5 s9 ~/ f4 }# O9 v6 o# COpen Source Implementation 6.3: Apache
5 s3 O' o- f; h" Q- HOpen Source Implementation 6.4: wu-ftpd
' o  `" a  `/ t: ?9 v$ VOpen Source Implementation 6.5: Net-SNMP * ^' F* V; E5 X
Open Source Implementation 6.6: Asterisk
+ f1 X) K' \! s- i! tOpen Source Implementation 6.7: Darwin
% L  C0 m  G# ^+ V7 G1 N3 BOpen Source Implementation 6.8: BitTorrent
4 k# l" V" G# G8 t1 ?; v7 Internet QoS 5 t# t& |0 R; p
General Issues
; Z) J. F8 M0 b9 O4 ~+ d, EOpen Source Implementation 7.1: Traffic Control Elements in Linux ' h" V' E( F* ?% T/ Z9 P* E0 ?
Open Source Implementation 7.2: Traffic Estimator
& x  F1 J! {6 K- c2 c4 TOpen Source Implementation 7.3: Flow Identification 7 C" }3 W- u" T) h. \5 U' D
Open Source Implementation 7.4: Token Bucket
0 j  J" H$ }" Y) S7 Z: x6 U( XOpen Source Implementation 7.5: Packet Scheduling
1 O( g1 T% C% T/ ]9 p/ m8 iOpen Source Implementation 7.6: Random Early Detection (RED)
  K0 A+ I# j- ]! y- f" c0 L+ V* v8 Network Security
' U; ^" l$ ?/ f, b% ]% ^General Issues
/ O% J- \# ]$ ?/ S& o& U% n9 bOpen Source Implementation 8.1: Hardware 3DES 3 b. A" ~2 c8 @; ]: j9 c% U. |
Open Source Implementation 8.2: MD5 ; e7 U+ E& I7 `8 h+ v' G. Y
Open Source Implementation 8.3: AH and ESP in IPSec " A5 \4 f* D* ]: ?# N1 [
Open Source Implementation 8.4: Netfilter and iptables
  p9 H& K' P, q3 A( J2 YOpen Source Implementation 8.5: FireWall Toolkit (FWTK) ; H( [% a) b* u' a1 _
Open Source Implementation 8.6: ClamAV
+ ]4 L. A! a3 v8 HOpen Source Implementation 8.7: Snort
1 b0 u  Z% C- {! GOpen Source Implementation 8.8: SpamAssassin
  F. e0 X& o$ a" c, q! p
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