Scalable video coding (SVC) was developed by the Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG &# e5 u! n0 O8 N V9 F/ t' V
ITU-T VCEG in a standardization project completed in October 2007. The SVC enhancement of5 s+ C5 g8 @3 j8 ~
the AVC core design includes the specification of three scalable profiles (the Scalable Baseline,- s8 B' v) w! ?% v, u5 y
Scalable High, and Scalable High Intra profiles). It enables the construction of SVC bitstreams that
) w8 }* h6 e8 G5 R$ r6 j7 q8 Hcontain reduced bit rate substreams. The substreams can be extracted from the complete bitstream,
% ]0 R; v8 @1 jthereby providing scalability in terms of bit rate, decoding complexity, and frame rate, spatial
' A+ T. S- O$ i# ?6 Rresolution, or quality. In typical cases, one or more of the substreams of the SVC bitstream will be4 I( n7 M. @+ q, [6 `
fully compatible with ordinary AVC decoders. Frame rate scalability (also known as temporal2 {7 A ^" V5 _* Q/ l- M8 I
scalability) or spatial scalability refers to the presence of a substream with a lower sampling rate
% ~$ I, }: u/ M) C# hthan the overall bitstream in terms of time or spatial resolution. Quality scalability refers to the3 H- Y% _* p4 K; m0 B7 ?
presence of a substream with the same sampling rate as the parent SVC stream, but having a lower7 e* I8 t- t G$ S4 q% M& q R
bit rate with a correspondingly lower quality.
8 I+ R; m3 q: A! n# G0 l1 i4 G& ^0 K1 R
0 G* _4 M% @. \& R N4 [4 C9 r7 m! S' U7 F8 H) |' V" }" m
[ 本帖最後由 masonchung 於 2008-4-12 11:09 PM 編輯 ] |
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