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[市場探討] Broadcom發表超低功率的1080p多媒體處理器

發表於 2009-12-31 09:31:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 masonchung 於 2010-1-26 09:43 AM 編輯 ; I  B' a" \' `1 U9 c' @

2 G! _# d8 Q$ w3 z' iBroadcom發表超低功率的1080p多媒體處理器+ E) S7 ?  Y1 h. C5 i0 {
電子工程專輯 2009/12/24 % w3 q% N( @, B/ W! z* ]% ]9 B
: N8 H6 T: l$ l& Q5 v2 S; ?
博通(Broadcom)公司發表其新世代多媒體處理器BCM2763 VideoCore IV,具備更高效能與更低功耗,採用40奈米(40nm) CMOS製程技術,能夠比65奈米產品的整合性更高,且佔用的空間更小、功耗更低。 * }( t" D8 D" R; W$ }1 h
藉由40奈米COMS製程技術提供的更高整合度及大幅節能等特性,BCM2763多媒體處理器能支援最先進的行動高畫質(HD)攝影機及影像播放裝置、高達2千萬畫素的數位相機和照片處理功能,以及高解析度的1gigapixel 2D/3D繪圖能力,為消費者提供世界級的遊戲體驗。 + X4 b0 @4 C# ~
利用該晶片內建的標準HDMI介面,還可以在全尺寸的高畫質電視播放最高品質的高畫質影像、3D遊戲和高解析度達2千萬畫素的影像。此外,由於BCM2763的高整合性架構能降低物料成本,使得更多低價手機得以嵌入尖端先進的多媒體功能。 $ R/ [) P" U. A3 R; r
最新的Broadcom BCM2763 VideoCore IV多媒體處理器可讓手機具備Full HD 1080p的攝影機功能,大幅超越目前一般手機的影像品質(通常只具備VGA或更低解析度的攝影功能)。其高達2千萬畫素的數位相機具備多種先進功能,如每秒連拍數張照片、相機防手震、臉部表情及笑容偵測以及全景拍攝模式。
- y- J# c- Y7 H$ m  ?此外,還有高達1080p解析度的行動遊戲影像畫質,並內建HDMI輸出功能,可在大型螢幕的高畫質電視提供遊戲機品質的遊戲體驗。除了讓新手機具備這些功能外,藉由40奈米製程技術大幅提升的節能效率,使BCM2763既不會大量消耗電池電力,也不至於大幅縮短手機通話時間。
. `) B0 E5 F. A5 \( c在低功耗性能方面,新款多媒體處理器據稱較前一代Videocore III多媒體處理器功耗減少20%∼50%。只要手機的儲存容量夠,即可錄影4到6小時的1080p畫質影片、播放8到10小時的行動影片,並透過HDMI介面播放16小時的Full HD影片。1080p攝影機H.264 High Profile編碼的晶片功率只需490mW,播放1080p畫面的晶片功率只需160mW。行動遊戲的繪圖處理只需160mW功率,每秒填充率高達1gigapixel,且繪圖效能是Videocore III多媒體處理器的4到6倍。 4 y7 q/ z8 M0 S; {
BCM2763將8種晶片的功能整合在一起,以單一封裝堆疊GPU及圖形記憶體、影像訊號處理(ISP)及ISP記憶體、視訊處理及視訊記憶體、HDMI及USB 2.0. 128MB的LPDDR2圖形記憶體。40奈米製程可降低功率、提升效能並減少手機機板的空間。 ; A9 G; c  p6 [% y, B' j
BCM2763目前已提供樣品給早期取得計劃的客戶。採用此一全新40nm VideoCore IV多媒體處理器技術的手機,預期在2011年上市。
2 v/ G( g7 I8 c: z/ L3 |9 M) M/ f+ s
Highlights/Key Facts:, |! v) a( q* I3 ]' Q1 o2 S

+ x" Q# J) H) @  B, B3 j    --  The breadth and quality of Internet multimedia content is rapidly
; S7 f$ K/ v( R2 k! X        improving, with sites such as YouTube now supporting full HD 1080p video& X" w( e+ T( B8 }1 j: x" s
        sharing. Consumers are also increasingly using cell phones as their
& g3 W! |7 f3 G  R. e% m9 {- c5 s        primary digital camera and camcorder, which is driving demand for higher: C/ V9 \! m( I6 y) s% ?
        resolution and more sophisticated image processing which is currently' t( V) x& d# j3 W
        only available on advanced standalone camcorders and cameras.
" ~0 J0 s1 w, [+ }8 e& G, K        Additionally, newer graphics-oriented user interfaces and mobile games, I2 X( k3 A' g! z1 S$ @& P
        now require enhanced graphics capabilities.+ y8 @$ u5 `, F) R8 Q$ I! a  o
    --  The new Broadcom BCM2763 VideoCore IV multimedia processor enables
9 x9 {& [3 s  u7 P        best-in-class performance in the following areas:
! J! ]9 P" Z2 Q/ s2 h        --  Full HD 1080p camcorder capabilities in a cell phone with
! i, `  ~1 `- V8 o& Q            significantly improved quality over current generation handsets
2 A' L; I$ j- Y7 x            (which generally have VGA or lower resolution camcorders).
4 B" `( a" Z% l9 {# A, n' M3 D        --  Up to 20 megapixel digital camera with advanced features such as
. Q: u  _8 Z5 A" A( i            multiple shots per second, image stabilization, face and smile" D! p9 C  ~) O5 b8 j
            detection and panorama mode.
- j  R0 q# w% {; |3 t        --  The ability to render mobile games natively at up to 1080p
% W5 g# M9 V6 k0 K            resolution, which in combination with an on-board HDMI output,2 a' D$ N1 k# i5 r, B
            allows a console-quality gaming experience on large screen HDTVs.
$ _5 d# X, ^. J: }2 h# R: f% n( N4 J  b    --  In addition to providing these capabilities on new handsets, the BCM27639 j! C$ o" b' f+ e# {! z
        has improved power savings using a 40nm process without draining the
  @5 I9 |8 P( ^( a* f        battery or significantly reducing talk time. Additional ultra-low power% q/ l1 A4 r" B, G1 u  [
        consumption features include:3 A( p2 z! G+ j
        --  20% to 50% power reduction in comparison to the prior generation7 Q0 W9 D5 B, _: C! O
            Videocore III multimedia processor.7 H+ c: R# f# I0 O- S2 R9 X/ C
        --  4 to 6 hours of 1080p video recording and 8 to 10 hours of mobile
' c8 F, c7 v6 ^4 a" h; t            playback, with up to 16 hours of full HD playback over HDMI given1 x  ], G. m. [8 n0 `9 ~: U
            sufficient handset storage.3 g( n/ q" A6 {, O
        --  Only 490 mW of chip power is required for 1080p camcorder H.264 High
2 p/ J( H4 X3 H2 y  Z            Profile encoding and only 160 mW for 1080p playback.
4 q; u% i. z+ Z5 A        --  Only 160 mW of power is required for mobile game graphics
2 G, Y  L7 |& C6 M' D$ u            processing, supporting up to 1 gigapixel per second fill rates and, {' r* G( h7 q* C' v' H; ?4 \3 ]- {
            improves graphics performance by a factor of 4x to 6x in comparison( ?3 ~! U2 h5 D1 O! k1 _
            to the prior generation Videocore III multimedia processor.; z: b9 m3 J% ]7 F3 G; l7 Z
    --  The BCM2763 processor integrates the key functionality and components% r1 b9 d- d+ a9 w5 g) {9 b  m
        needed to drive advanced multimedia capabilities in new handsets. As a
7 C4 w7 [0 T9 Y        result of this high integration, the BCM2763 enables a lower overall BOM" D) H3 b- [6 R5 |
        cost, enabling manufacturers to pass these lower costs on and introduce) ?1 @; z& e( L+ q
        advanced features to lower tier phones than previously possible./ \. v  ]" ?) T/ B
        --  The BCM2763 integrates the functions of eight chips including GPU
& v$ b3 t/ [; G) K0 v5 L; C5 F            and graphics memory, image signal processing (ISP) and ISP memory,( _3 V" e1 b, M1 N
            video processing and video memory, HDMI and USB 2.0. 128MB of LPDDR2
# M$ \: u; F1 J0 c            graphics memory is stacked in a single package.+ d) ]% w8 q# [4 S
        --  The 40nm process enables reduced power, improved performance and
% x& H: C* w9 k1 \# X            reduced handset board space.: P' ^7 _! B# h, I4 @
    --  Benefiting from an existing VideoCore software code base and legacy: f( y  t+ \5 @- T* m0 d
        architecture, manufacturers of phones and other consumer electronics
. d+ L# l, l& f# v% u        devices can easily add these new VideoCore IV multimedia features to
  W4 s6 w0 l2 d7 {: G. l        their products, allowing faster time-to-market.
" _  I3 L' m; \9 n1 P* Z2 n    --  The BCM2763 is currently sampling to early access customers (pricing- {) Y& C$ H: v$ S$ Y, _) Z! O
        available upon request). Handsets utilizing this new 40nm VideoCore IV
2 K2 _. H5 g0 D1 e        multimedia processor technology are expected to reach the market in3 i; o' t8 ~) n5 B& q. h7 u4 K
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 樓主| 發表於 2009-12-31 11:53:07 | 只看該作者
Broadcom發表低功耗多媒體處理器BCM2727 (前一代Videocore III多媒體處理器)5 s# I+ o5 l; X% u

5 @& m! J1 k. p2 K* Y% G上網時間:2007年10月23日  ]0 m9 [# v) R: c, J% v

4 T. X3 {8 u6 T$ ^' w5 P
0 C% V0 R& S& B3 {& T* K4 r3 }& h. D. D) T+ M: D: `
博通(Broadcom)推出首款低功率多媒體處理器BCM2727的樣品,該元件可在手機和可攜式媒體播放器中實現高解析度攝影和視訊播放功能。這款採用Broadcom VideoCore III技術的多媒體處理器還支援高達1,200萬像素的數位相機功能,並具有高性能和超低功率的3D繪圖功能,可實現高水準的遊戲體驗。 + w& {% E# C  K4 o  U
; @+ T3 d) ~* `: i( M
Broadcom表示,採用VideoCore III技術的下一代手機可在行動音訊、視訊、影像、導航和遊戲體驗上大幅提升,而其尺寸和手機功耗與今天的小型多媒體手機類似。BCM2727是Broadcom首款採用VideoCore III多媒體架構的產品,該架構是以雙核心向量處理器為基礎,這些處理器與用於視訊和影像處理以及2D/3D圖形的硬體加速器緊密結合,既可提高影像和遊戲應用的性能,又同時保持低功耗。 3 k# S( z& X, L/ r* `
7 k! ?* X' T6 S' K
BCM2727號稱是業界首款支援手機高解析度攝影功能的行動多媒體處理器,能以低功率實現H.264壓縮下的720p高解析度視訊編碼和解碼。消費者能夠用手機錄製與高階析度廣播電視內容品質相同的視訊。使用標準容量的手機電池,可以支援5個多小時的高解析度視訊播放或大約3個小時的高解析度內容錄製。透過整合的HDMI 1.3或類比介面,手機上直到高解析度的內容都可以在電視機上播放。 5 z! v! i5 T+ s) T- \, ?/ j" y* }, D

- `( P$ [1 d/ {5 y$ c: ~2 |9 H' a除了高解析度攝影功能,BCM2727還有內建的高達1,200萬像素的高品質照相處理功能。其先進的晶片上影像訊號處理器可實現專業品質的照片拍攝和視訊錄製,支援感測器和鏡頭補償、尖銳化、曝光補償、顏色校正、防“紅眼”以及防抖動等功能。可程式化影像管線提供額外的控制能力,並能夠迅速開發和整合新功能、更深入地進行影像處理。 & Y8 e. `+ P( W# v
5 \, T' @& _% F  K. G! H
BCM2727每秒能處理高達1.44億個像素,VideoCore III支援快速攝影,在1,200萬像素解析度時每秒可拍攝多達12幀照片,若使用較低解析度的相機感測器時拍攝速度還可更快。
; \" t9 o* u* ]
  a5 I% A' U5 R% a2 n此外BCM2727內建2D和3D繪圖加速器,並採用了高效率音訊技術,不僅能夠提供豐富的觀看和收聽體驗,還為行動遊戲應用提供了一個強大的平台。影像管線針對高效率Open VG 1.0和Open GL ES 1.1/2.0進行了最佳化,能達到每秒3,200萬三角形的峰值性能。VideoCore III支援50多種多媒體標準、格式、編譯碼器和解析度,所支援的行動多媒體內容在業界是最廣泛的。
 樓主| 發表於 2009-12-31 13:55:55 | 只看該作者
/ Q5 @% F7 Y0 H' @The Crystal HD video decoder boosts performance on netbooks using Intel's latest N450 Atom processor. ( i5 Z8 m; F) t, x" b
By Antone Gonsalves , 2009/12/23 & e" \" m/ K9 c5 x2 g0 g9 d: {. u
- c9 l& ]2 _  b. U' k, }& A
Broadcom has introduced a single-chip video decoder for computer manufacturers that want to give a performance boost to Intel's latest Atom platform for netbooks. 3 A$ P) p9 Y  d& l8 |9 ^
The Crystal HD is being offered for netbooks that use Intel's new N450 Atom processor and NM10 Express chipset. Broadcom says Asus, Dell, Samsung, and other manufacturers will ship netbooks with Crystal HD next year. 3 I4 K3 ^+ f3 ]& G: |3 ?
The new product is based on Broadcom's BCM70015 single-chip, high-definition video decoder. The company claims its product is "low-cost, low-power" technology that can deliver quality playback of streaming HD video.
! X4 @' o2 R/ vNetbooks, which are inexpensive mini-laptops with screens between seven and 10 inches, are built for basic computing tasks, such as Web browsing and e-mail. Broadcom and other companies offer chips that offload video and graphics from the CPU in order to boost system performance.
/ D0 C# R; `. u; H"Our Crystal HD technology provides high-quality video playback within a low-power, low-cost solution that will enhance the consumer netbook experience in 2010," said Dan Eiref, VP and general manager of Broadcom's consumer electronics division. : S* V  i0 _0 g
Crystal HD uses similar technology to that Broadcom makes for set-top boxes and consumer media players. The netbook product can play back video in multiple formats, such as H.264/AVC, MPEG-2, VC-1, WMV9, MPEG-4, DivX, Xvid, and AVS. The technology also supports popular media players, including Windows Media Player and Adobe Flash Player. 8 N" K1 O" r3 b' @1 k0 {) z* `
Intel introduced its next-generation Atom platform on Monday. A major advancement in the latest netbook platform from the previous generation is the integration of a graphics and memory controller on the same piece of silicon as the CPU. The combo reduces the number of chips from three in previous products to two, which will make it possible for computer makers to build slimmer netbooks, according to Intel.
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