時 間 | 議 題 名 稱 | 講 師 | 13:10~13:30 | Registration | | 13:30~13:40 | Opening | 駱韋仲組長EOL/ITRI | 13:40~14:50 | 3DIC Design, EDA, and Architecture (I) • Overview • 3D Integration emerges as an attractive option to sustain Moore's law. • The progress in 3D IC designs, including both design tools perspective and architecture design perspective. |
謝源(Yuan Xie) 教授 | 14:50~15:10 | Break |
| 15:10~16:30 | 3DIC Design, EDA, and Architecture (II) • Design automation and test techniques and methodologies for 3D designs are imperative to realize 3D integration. • What application could dramatically benefit from 3D stacking technology or what novel applications are enabled by 3D technology. |
謝源(Yuan Xie) 教授 |
【報名資訊】 報名費用: 一般學員每人新台幣1,000元。 AMPA聯盟享有5名人員免費,第6人起每人新台幣500元 (含稅、講義與餐點)。 付費方式 電匯銀行:戶名:財團法人工業技術研究院(銀行代碼:005) 帳號:土地銀行工研院分行156005000025(電匯方式請務必先傳真收執聯) 劃撥帳號:戶名:財團法人工業技術研究院-電光所 帳號:19614517(電匯方式請務必先傳真收執聯) 郵寄地址:新竹縣竹東鎮中興路四段195號11館336室 周惠珍 收 報名截止日期:因座位有限,請及早報名,額滿為止。 聯絡窗口:(03)591-8062周惠珍小姐,e-mail:hui_chen@itri.org.tw |