剛拿到這塊kit,寫了一個測試sw跟led$ j; E# @6 S% I, g5 o
1 [0 J& E: F0 y8 z {5 @' d`timescale 1 ns/1 ns
4 f$ P( T0 A0 M7 }: s: \) {# K
9 o& W7 Y3 y& I module test_001(7 z2 |' y' a8 K, c( X7 t3 R, i
) m r: A2 y! e* ^9 N1 [" k9 ^7 T Q,8 _& J2 L% d( T8 T7 E/ `2 Z9 b. y
4 P ^3 b) b* T reset,
- {% ^( b6 V: g% M: f3 ?1 g9 x QB0 b5 w( J7 ]4 b0 z' t/ Z
);% X- N" G- K, `' Z+ ^( B y
input reset, clk;
9 i* I: J2 d! I+ Q6 binput [3:0] D;
$ t: f: H' S7 _3 i q9 toutput [7:0] Q;/ c( p0 I3 q) ]) l: o
output [7:0] QB;
! i. C w) u$ y$ a; ywire [7:0] Q;
3 J: N5 C: C* [3 uwire [7:0] QB;: |# z1 Y& Y' g4 o# @
reg [7:0] X;8 i6 k8 c5 P: W8 g( s" [0 i
reg [7:0] a;
2 P3 p" q% V/ b* l {% u, Y" d* Q" g2 {
. I, s) J+ k: m! b' ]" y0 e
3 ~5 ?/ S5 x3 L5 }' o
: [6 ~; a. C( m' k$ ~always@(D)/ j/ m! E, Y$ v: ]) m: w# N
begin- o6 U8 E. H8 K& p0 @/ A* h2 X
case(D)7 Z ?8 B! @# M. G. H7 X+ R. W' ` n
4'b0000 : X = 8'b0000_0000;
. F2 Z' @- g3 G9 F! x2 B 4'b0001 : X = 8'b0000_0011;) @& _6 X5 N/ i5 V0 q, [0 r0 z
4'b0010 : X = 8'b0000_1100;
- l( Y5 F& V( I% E 4'b0100 : X = 8'b0011_0000;7 B# P+ Z8 ^1 [9 m$ k6 ^( H0 X
4'b1000 : X = 8'b1100_0000;
) I; O3 @0 l. a1 @5 { default : X = 8'b1100_0011;
. i/ K7 P) p2 c* Y endcase / o3 Z6 z( ?6 x& V% z v
end $ l" ?% C7 g0 w: u# P2 d
& K, j4 U" x1 Y/ ?3 gassign Q = a;: w- s) {8 X. o! {
assign QB = ~a; k( c9 _& _/ I: [1 T- o
8 X* _) }7 @2 E, i" h7 z7 Z
always@(posedge clk or negedge reset)
7 }4 \7 J8 \, u( |. j begin
* o8 w; \3 u2 J if(!reset)
3 ^* ^ w( R% G a = #1 1'b0;
8 }" z( q# P: @; h6 L" c else
- J- u8 C8 W& j! [ a = #1 X;: G: T- i5 @/ ~& S" Z# Z' \5 g
end ; x: R9 c6 S( }' L4 _
+ ]! b* B& l7 c0 w9 \ endmodule
# X2 o8 H6 }6 C! ^% Z7 t//===========================================================/// q2 ?4 K+ I- n- F4 @ q( ^
然後以下是Quartus產生的qsf檔。" q9 V/ g( Q% C6 [" m, ?% v$ s: ~
1 @& c \+ l0 ]% C+ H' O/ {& w# Copyright (C) 1991-2006 Altera Corporation
' k" R: @ T0 e/ l, j5 W' _: f# Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions : W7 x) r% G; w* M
# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic ; Z; N+ d% ^$ P% {* c
# functions, and any output files any of the foregoing 4 l! V- j; s# {. Q" E' u
# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
7 t9 J/ I* e3 G( f# k0 q# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
, _+ `3 ~4 @$ T# to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License : \5 g7 R. y& j+ p( a" Z
# Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
# M# h* W% ]/ [* y. e# Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
9 f# g6 w+ @" W# without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
$ V/ V6 d5 P2 R# programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 9 J, m/ @, w1 g3 f
# Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the 8 Y. f+ u1 [7 Q3 F( G' I' G
# applicable agreement for further details., q. U% B9 P, G4 A; n0 ~# T6 u5 [1 e
4 B2 I/ i1 p6 N4 @- n$ ?# M: J+ U* g0 ]# e/ R
# The default values for assignments are stored in the file
8 u. H; t. {0 b5 P6 t6 W# test_001_assignment_defaults.qdf9 z- q* X8 [6 ?$ c$ W9 [# ?
# If this file doesn't exist, and for assignments not listed, see file
/ k2 u1 x9 N: K$ T7 Z0 L$ x# assignment_defaults.qdf
% r* `& O5 ^0 F D# k O* E
7 c, B J, L, o8 T# Y# Altera recommends that you do not modify this file. This; y1 s3 x. R3 A$ S
# file is updated automatically by the Quartus II software; ?6 l: r. S$ p2 C- s0 S8 ?9 y! c
# and any changes you make may be lost or overwritten. a' P2 H# A i6 ~ [3 d
% L1 h9 m' H. r0 k K& C
( x5 ^1 Y; l" D. r: o8 H4 yset_global_assignment -name FAMILY "Cyclone II"0 o& |, U* O. w Q( D
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE EP2C35F672C6! `/ \; @5 a8 z& M' w
set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY test_001
~+ d6 J- D4 {; bset_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 6.0. `- u, D9 S0 p p/ v1 ^" L% K, U
set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "09:57:03 MARCH 06, 2008"* E7 \6 `( D4 v
set_global_assignment -name LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION 6.0, M2 o5 E4 Z, x, }: o
set_global_assignment -name USER_LIBRARIES "D:\\Altera II\\970305\\test\\1/"
. \& h( E( v* m* n3 W! f* Iset_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PIN_COUNT 672: Z5 k' o* A O) f5 q
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE old_test_001.v
. O& m0 A1 I* @5 X. Oset_location_assignment PIN_Y11 -to D[0]
9 m9 \6 P0 L! K1 J7 `4 I" ^) l' gset_location_assignment PIN_AA10 -to D[1]
: _% f8 n2 {0 K0 W# }& w* fset_location_assignment PIN_AB10 -to D[2]6 i% [9 F/ [9 a' c- T
set_location_assignment PIN_AE6 -to D[3]
( a+ o8 p, I3 Y+ {! n3 B3 v' Uset_location_assignment PIN_AC10 -to Q[0]7 B4 v B" O2 l- k
set_location_assignment PIN_W11 -to Q[1]! |2 v+ B4 r' A3 B
set_location_assignment PIN_W12 -to Q[2]7 H& f) B- h; S0 o% L
set_location_assignment PIN_AE8 -to Q[3]
3 y$ E9 c5 `. iset_location_assignment PIN_AF8 -to Q[4]+ c @! t" a& F( f# N% e, q2 E
set_location_assignment PIN_AE7 -to Q[5]( M8 e6 e: g+ q0 |; L2 U) r: u
set_location_assignment PIN_AF7 -to Q[6]/ n z, B' I/ R- s
set_location_assignment PIN_AA11 -to Q[7]
2 _3 O. l4 K; H/ n4 p$ w" I1 Hset_global_assignment -name SIGNALTAP_FILE stp1.stp- G% i7 o' e+ E) B' f
set_global_assignment -name ENABLE_SIGNALTAP ON
1 e1 Z' U5 e+ cset_global_assignment -name USE_SIGNALTAP_FILE stp1.stp
. |3 i0 z; K$ R# l, |/ U0 y4 }set_location_assignment PIN_M21 -to reset
L5 E, z: j) v+ h z& Pset_location_assignment PIN_P25 -to clk- R+ a( U! `6 H+ C- b! q0 p' z6 o
set_global_assignment -name EDA_DESIGN_ENTRY_SYNTHESIS_TOOL "Design Compiler"
8 D5 l( a# E% Z. T7 `4 A: Eset_global_assignment -name EDA_INPUT_VCC_NAME VDD -section_id eda_design_synthesis* E3 X: U. Y( n$ C
set_global_assignment -name EDA_LMF_FILE altsyn.lmf -section_id eda_design_synthesis
" j3 \% G; k; P: n; e! \8 ] R0 cset_global_assignment -name EDA_INPUT_DATA_FORMAT "VERILOG HDL" -section_id eda_design_synthesis
/ n7 `# z2 h' p( |$ t1 z//=================================================================================================//
+ k$ B4 Z& r, \' o我的問題是,不知道為何怎麼樣都燒不進kit裡,
1 L0 K( i4 Q- v8 C. L( p已經排除並非JTAG跟KIT的問題!" m& F* _! `( ]9 S. b( Y0 L3 @) c5 [3 ?
請各位先進一起來分析一下! |