In recent years, high-end mixed-signal (mixed-signal) circuits in the basement in order to overcome the noise (substrate noise) and process variation problems, usually part of the analog circuits need to be placed symmetrical manner, while in high-noise digital circuit need to stay away from analog circuitry to prevent noise interference. In the layout (floorplan), when the symmetry for the analog circuit blocks, we propose a simple and effective way to belong to the same group of blocks placed together and can satisfy the symmetry constraints to achieve the closest block layout. And using the noise model substrate (substrate noise model) to handle high-noise analog circuits for digital block interference. We use the order (sequence-pair), as well as the longest sub-sequence pairs (longest common subsequence) to achieve. In order to obtain an effective answer, and we were right analog blocks and digital blocks for two-stage (two-phase) layout method, in the first phase of simulation smelting (simulated annealing) in the reciprocal enforcement of configuration symmetry group of analog blocks and non - symmetry group, in the second phase of dealing with several blocks of cloth area to minimize noise. Finally, we made the papers in recent years, experimental data from the data we have proven to be effective results. |