/ c% a0 |$ j2 f7 j' g) SIs it me, or are the look and feel of current FPGA centric EDA tools looking really old? 7 r6 D7 v! I7 r2 i8 @
Synplify looked new and refreshing 10 years ago.. Precision was great 4 years ago... Has Aldec or Modelsim changed at all in look and feel in the last 8-10 years? The FPGA OEM tools, well some are still using the core system that they bought some 10+ years ago for their IDE.' l# K r7 ^3 X7 x8 [
Sure the algorithms have been updated, as has QofR and runtime.. # a+ x; V. H9 _) v. v/ x7 O9 p
Why is it that EDA always puts look and feel so far behind everything else?
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# y' t6 m1 y+ ]0 d9 x" malways, a new look and feel with the same function under the tool button makes me feel fooled. When Protel 99 became Altium 2004, I spent some time to familialize myself with the new IDE, but soon found that except for some new functions added the fundamental place and route tool are the same. |